The BCC has decided to push July’s Wave Wednesday back a week, July 10th, due to it falling on the day before Independence Day. Please spread the word, and we hope to see you on the 10th!
The 1st Wednesday of each month (May-September) 5:30-7:30PM.
A monthly gathering intended for paddlers to socialize with other club members, coordinate river trips, discuss upcoming events, sell / swap gear, and to learn basic paddling skills.
- A fun social gathering vibe w/ music, fire pit, & friends. (think rendezvous on a smaller scale)
- Informal learning session for newer boaters (see below)
- Club information & registration for both new and existing members
In an informal setting boaters will have the option to join a club lead hour of training. Training concepts include.
- Ferrying, peel outs, & catching eddies
- Rolls
- Basic wave surfing
- Basic play boating
- Squirts